

A multipurpose utility for viewing and editing text and graphic files
Latest version 1.2.2
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Abracadabra 1.3 review

Editor rating
4 / 5
File size
603 KB
Review date
20 February 2002
Some software is not easily placed in any particular category. A multimedia files viewer and editor is a common thing these days, but a combination of a text editor, image viewer and a file manager is definitely something new. Today we shall have a look at such a program, Abracadabra.
Abracadabra is a program that lets you create text files, view images, html pages and launch any files from its own explorer interface. You can explore your system and open any file or run any program with a few clicks. The program is extremely easy to use and could be used by kids and novice computer users as a starting point. It provides easy access to desktop icons, start menu program and system default calculator, notepad etc. The right side of the screen is used for the built-in file explorer, in the left side the contents of the files you view or edit is shown. You can sort and filter files so that you could find what you want faster.
Another advantage of this program is that it doesn't use much memory - not much at all, really. It uses about 90 KB (compare it to MS Word's 11 MB, for example). Download this free tool today and enjoy easy access to files and frequently-used features.